5 Areas Of Your e-Commerce Store That Demand Good Content

5 Areas Of Your e-Commerce Store That Demand Good Content

The quality of content started gaining more and more attention from digital marketers these days.

First, the SEO ranking of the site and the overall user experience depend on the quality of the content that you provide. Secondly, content helps you build credibility and trust by showing that you are experienced in your specific business area and know what you talk about. And finally, content can help you convert the passers-by into customers – with a power of word only!

For e-commerce, a good copy is responsible for making the users hit the CTA buttons and explore your products and offers. And there are certain areas of any e-commerce store where good content is an absolute must.

1. Product descriptions

This is probably one of the most important areas in e-commerce stores.

Product descriptions inform the customers about the products, outline their features and main benefits, and explain why the customers need to buy them.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating a description for a product.

Always write unique content

Some merchants simply take the description provided by a manufacturer and use it without any changes. And this is a big mistake.

The thing is, this default description can be used by hundreds of stores that sell the same product. And this creates a problem for SEO because Google will see this content as non-original and will, therefore, leave your store with no ranking.

Thus, try creating a unique description for every product in order to improve your ranking and seem more reliable.

Use keywords

Keywords help users discover your store so make sure every product description contains a certain number of relevant keywords.

However, be careful and don’t overdo it – if you put too many keywords in a copy, Google will see it as unnatural. This, in turn, may hurt your ranking. So use only relevant keywords and watch their number, so the copy looks natural and readable.

You can search for relevant keywords in Ahrefs, Google Analytics, or see what keywords your competitors use.

2. CTA buttons

Call-to-action buttons are another crucial element of e-commerce design. They can be placed on any page of your store and are responsible for driving the users towards a certain action. These buttons most often suggest actions like adding a product to a cart, completing a checkout, browsing products, signing up for a newsletter, etc.

It is important that your CTA buttons contain a strong and engaging message, otherwise, the user will ignore them. When creating a copy for such button, use actionable words and try avoiding clichés (like “Shop Now). Instead, personalize your offer: if you are selling shoes, write something like “Browse shoe gallery”.

Another thing to remember: add value. Do not just invite the user to sign up for a newsletter but offer a discount for the first order (or any other incentive). This will encourage users to interact with the button and complete the intended action.

3. Category descriptions

This area is one of the most overlooked for the majority of e-commerce stores. While merchants pay great attention to product description, they seem rather ignorant towards the category description. And this is not beneficial at all.

A good category description serves a few important purposes:

  • Informs the users about the page content
  • Lets the search bot know about the page content
  • Contributes to ranking
  • Drives traffic to the page

You don’t need to make the category description too long but rather make it informative and useful. As well, include a few keywords for better SEO.

4. Pop-ups

All of us have interacted with a pop-up. You can see them everywhere: from e-commerce stores to educational resources. While pop-ups are designed to promote a certain conversion and engage the user, sometimes they can be incredibly annoying and even discourage the user from browsing the site.

In the case of e-commerce stores, pop-ups are mostly used to collect the users’ emails by asking to sign up for a newsletter or register on the site. In return, stores often offer an incentive to motivate the user to complete the action.

In order for the pop-up to work as intended, pay attention to its content. Same as CTA buttons, pop-ups require a strong and actionable message that would promote the user to interact with it.

To create a really converting pop-up, reach out to a development company that works with your e-commerce platform. While you may not do much to a Shopify store, you can customize Magento any way you want it – so don’t miss your chance to make your store look unique, including personalized pop-ups.  A good Magento development company usually has experience in creating converting design elements so you can use this experience to your own advantage.

5. Blog

A blog is another area of e-commerce that is often ignored. Many merchants think they don’t need a blog because users come to the store to buy, not to read. However, a blog can be really beneficial for both traffic and conversions growth.

First, the blog brings additional value to your initial offer. If you are selling clothes, for example, in your blog you can write about the best ways to combine certain pieces of clothes, post tips on taking care of your products, and write product and industry reviews.

Second, blogs help raise your SEO ranking thanks to the keywords. As well, the use of relevant keywords can attract new users to your store.

When writing a blog post, do not forget to place a CTA on the page or invite the user to browse your gallery. Also, every blog post should contain internal links to other pages. This is important for easier navigation and creates a more solid site structure.


The visitors of an e-commerce store can interact with the products only via the product photos and the content. This is why it’s so important you invest a certain amount of time and effort into creating an engaging and informative copy that will bring value to the shoppers and encourage them to complete conversions on your site.

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Image Credit to Austin Distel